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Go Out With A Bang!

I love long bangs but personally for me in the Summer they're a bit hot especially bcuz I have this natural power walk I can't seem to shake, so it's a bit hot on my forehead...otherwise I heart them. Not only do long bangs look good & reek extreme sex appeal, they cover your bushy eyebrows when your trying to get them full again cuz Ming Lee took too much off & you always look surprised.Cut uneven bangs-the blunt kind appear too heavy these days. Go below the brow. It's versatile; wear bangs back & they disappear, for more humid days, when you want hair away from your face.



Kelly Nina Kiyyah said...

I <3 my bangs....but liek you the summer...PHEW! Too hot! I'm tryna grow mine out...sorta, kinda over them (at least til the winter maybe) lol!

Oooohhh... can you guys make a post with alternative hairstyles and cute options for people with bangs too long to display...and too short to pull back.??? :(

Just a thought! Be back soon! :)

-Kelly of *AF*

HerGoodyBag said...

We really appreciate your support & definately ,I'm on it!